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Monopoly® Game Specifics

[ Monopoly® - Bank Error in your favor! ] Monopoly® has an interesting and controversial history. I can remember many a game as young player where the rules were discussed at length, almost with the zeal and compassion of a court trial. There are also those who claim the official history of Monopoly® isn't quite right. And then there are the folks who have gone to odd places and lengths to play Monopoly®.

This page is a collection of information relating to all this and more.

Help gather information for a Monopoly® book
Richard Learn is writing THE book on older collectible Monopoly games, and he needs your help. If you have ANY older or unusual games, please check out Richard's page and let him know!
Official Monopoly® rules
Hey, they get lost, torn up, burned, or just disappear mysteriously. Here they are in convenient HTML format.
Rules Archive for related games
Got a game that's related to Monopoly®? Need the rules? Find them here, some in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, others in HTML.
Variations on the Monopoly® Rules
So you've played Monopoly® thousands of times, and have the rules memorized. Check out this page of variations to spice up the game a bit.
Who Invented Monopoly®?
Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory, and this site gives a very dramatic account of a very different history of Monopoly®. Whether or not it's true, it's a fascinating read.
Probabilites in the Game of Monopoly®
What exactly are the chances of you hitting Boardwalk with hotels? How long will it take to return that investment in hotels on the light blues? This site gives a thorough report...

[ Monopoly® and Game Collection of Chris Mospaw ]

The collection showcased on this site has been sold.

The MONOPOLY® trademark and its logo, the distinctive design of the game board, each of the distinctive element of the board including the four corner squares, Rich Unlce Pennybags, and the playing pieces are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc., for its real estate trading game and game equipment. © 1935, 1936, 1998, 199, 2000 Hasbro, Rhode Island, U.S.A. Chris Mospaw, Zaffix, or anyone related with this site is not related to Hasbro or Parker Brothers. All other items, including content and the basic layout and design of this site are © 1997, 1998, 1999 Chris Mospaw.