Updated site theme
One of the perks of working where I do is that I get to use the really great FavePersonal WordPress theme. And one of the perks of being a programmer is that I can customize stuff like this. So I did. What is now on this site is the result of a few hours of hacking around, extending the theme. The basic changes are in fonts and styling, plus I changed the header to display the random masthead image. I have around 140 various photos I’ve taken over the years uploaded and cycling through.
My modifications are still pretty hackish. When they have solidified, I’ll release my changes on GitHub.
Meteor slides is a great free plugin to handle slide-shows http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/meteor-slides/ I use it on allot of projects. Obtw… Hello Mospaw!
Hello, Davis! Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll definitely give it a whirl.
May need a little TLC on mobile. 🙂
Look forward to checking it out on desktop.
Yeah, I did kind of murder the mobile view, didn’t I? It looks good on my iPad, though. 🙂
Looks like I’ll be making some updates this week…
Oh and the theme modifications are still very much a “work in progress”, much like I am. I consider my mods “alpha” code at this point, even though I’m using them in a production environment.
Chris, Check out http://www.rootstheme.com/ as a starter theme to build off of in WP. Roots uses Twitter Bootstrap (responsive available by default) and HTML5 Boilerplate. I use this for all my builds as it saves a ton of time and it is very customizable. My Site (swag247.com) uses roots and many of the sites in my portfolio are based on it. I am working on a responsive version of dbagreport.com (based on TBS not WP Roots, fyi). Hope this helps, happy coding!
I have no idea what did, but I like it!
@Alex: thanks for the heads up on the mobile devices!
I gave the responsive styling a little love tonight and the theme is looking much better. My Android phone even likes it.