I just realized that one of the things I need to p…
I just realized that one of the things I need to put on my bucket list is to own a house where I can have a pipe organ in my vestibule.
I just realized that one of the things I need to put on my bucket list is to own a house where I can have a pipe organ in my vestibule.
There you go, always showing off your organ to visitors.
DAMN Straight !!!
My organ is damn straight. How did you know?
I’m not even going to touch this one.
Thank you on so many levels.
Come to think of it, Mom, didn’t Miss Bratt have exactly this? It might not have been a pipe orgran, but it was a church organ!
it’s a baby grand
Keep thinking big!
yeah I think you’re right, Chris !
Got a hankerin’ for the Mighty Wurlitzer?
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