Am I old or just sensible?
I heard some controversy about Miley Cyrus “twerking” last night on some irrelevant awards show I’ve never seen.
I don’t know what twerking is. Do I want to know what it is? Probably not.
[Looks up “twerking” on the interwebs. Finds Wikipedia entry.]
Yep, I was right. This is not something I needed to know. To save you I have not linked in the above paragraph.
Chris, I confess I had to google it last night. I think I may actually be dumber now, for having found out.
has cracked up, oh you poor thing. it cannot be unseen
Penny Drenkhahn liked this on Facebook.
She’s a trainwreck! I think she, like other stars, think they can get away with anything, including bad performances and just disgusting behaviour! Not so…
I bet that one broke Billy Ray’s achy breaky heart. Shes on track to be the next Lohan or Bynes…
I was unfortunate enough to Google this a week or two ago – I think it was some reference in Twitter that got me.
My life has not been enhanced by this newfound knowledge.
I guess if you can’t sing, you can always shake your booty like any other self-respecting stripper.
Vince Adornato liked this on Facebook.
When I educated myself on the topic, I was not amused. I shook my head as though I severed from torrets syndrome, and knew there was no hope for our survival.
Thanks, Chris, I just lost 5 minutes of my life reading about Miley Cyrus and what twerk dancing is.
We tried to warn you..
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