Temperate confusion

We have a small refrigerator in the garage. It holds beer, mainly. Just before dinner, I went to grab a couple of brews to enjoy with dinner. It’s was 29 degrees outside when I did this. That means our garage was probably somewhere in the low 40’s or even high 30’s. I’m pretty sure the…

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Wrong Number

Dear CenturyLink (or whatever you’re called this week since I’ve known you as Embaq, Sprint and maybe even other names): You represent yourself as a modern company despite selling some very old technologies.Worse, you employ ancient sales techniques that are inappropriate in the modern world. I had your DSL service when we lived in Las…

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Ikea, I saw, I conquered

When we first moved to Denver, we were in need of some bedroom furniture. A quick trip to Ikea, and we had a few inexpensive but decent dressers. I spent the better part of a Sunday assembling them. It was arduous, but necessary work to assemble them, lest I succumb to the unmanly and expensive…

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Sound Off

I have two pairs of wonderful Sony headphones. They sound great and have active noise cancelling. Perfect for flying (that engine noise just disappears) and great in the office. They even have a standard (as opposed to proprietary) detachable cord that thrills me since my last pair (not Sony) had cord issues. Too bad both…

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Yesterday Was A Weird Day

Yesterday was one of those weird ones where a confluence of the absurd should have caused me great distress, but was so improbable and ridiculous as to make me laugh at it all instead. It started first thing as Sheri gave me new bottle of hair conditioner that she won’t be using. I just used…

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Aww Jeez…

I saw a guy in Whole Foods last night sitting at one of the tables where people eat the prepared foods they offer. He looked exactly like actor Harve Presnell, who played Wade Gustafson in Fargo. Not a passing resemblance, but full on “Oh my God it’s a movie star”. And he looked like he…

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Not in Mayan House

I read an interesting article about how “Mayan apocalypse mania grips Russia“. Take a moment to peruse it. First off, people are purchasing lots of salt. Salt! I have no idea why massive quantities of salt somehow elevates your disaster preparedness. Must be a Russian thing. Too much salt or not, people are obviously not…

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Who has FedEx hired?

It’s the holidays. There are a lot of packages being sent around. This requires a lot of people to deliver them. I’m beginning to wonder if FedEx has dried up the pool of potential delivery drivers and is now hiring unorthodox delivery persons, such as ninjas. We were expecting a delivery from FedEx last Friday.…

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Internet on the train…

Why is the internet connectionon the teain so spotty? I want to play Words With Friends, but things are way too slow. Some nights it’s super fast, but today the turtles are in charge and I am writing this instead. Of course it won’t post from the train and will be queued for later posting.…

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Confused in the head

I own a lot of hats. Some are fun. Some are serious. Some are Winter hats. Some are Summer hats. If I wear one hat at a time, which is the appropriate maximum number of hats to wear around these parts, that leaves approximately 96% of my hats unworn at any given time. With that…

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