Color Math

I’ve been doing my own laundry for more than twenty years. I’m pretty good at separating colors and whites, darks and lights, and so on. I do, however, usually wash my socks and underwear together. Despite all this and all the information out there about such things, you’d think I would have realized this before…

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Position is everything.

I’m not sure this is the effect these Facebook advertisers wanted, but I do have to say it got my attention when it popped up: I’m not sure “House Whip Kevin McCarthy”, the gentleman I presume is in the first ad would be entirely happy. But I do know if I decide to go to…

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Colorado’s cold helps me exercise

Sure, I grew up in Buffalo, NY so I knew cold, but I have spent my entire adult life living in the warmer climates of Florida and Southern Nevada. If it got cold there, it wasn’t that cold and it didn’t stay cold that long. Since we moved to Colorado in May, I have experienced…

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