New Keyboard – gotta do it in person

As someone who sits in front of a computer for roughly ten hours a day, the way I physically interface with that computer is very important. Keyboard are a major part of that, and I have always been pretty pick about mine. For at least the last decade, I have used some version of Microsoft’s…

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Sirius radio: you guys should anti-alias

My car has a satellite radio. I haven’t paid much attention to that feature since I got it because frankly I don’t want to pay for radio. I have enough music to carry around on a hard drive that plugs directly into my sound system, and I don’t have to worry about commercials, tunnels, weather,…

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A product I’m not sure I need

I’m not sure if it’s a sign that we, as a society, have failed, or our technology has excelled … Here’s a dishwasher-safe computer keyboard that’s got the “Good Housekeeping” seal of approval. I really had no idea this was even a need. I wonder if my current keyboard is approved? I’d hate to be…

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